Students with awards

Griswold High School students compete in Voice of Democracy by writing and recording a broadcast script on an annual patriotic theme.  This year’s Theme is  “America: Where Do We Go From Here?” Prizes and scholarships are awarded at the local, district, state and national level. 

Helix students placing in the local VFW Post and District competition include:

Sasha Kovalak-Olson, 1st in Post, 1st in District

MayaBella Texidor, 2nd in Post

Junior high students competed in Patriot’s Pen, a youth essay competition that gives students an opportunity to write essays expressing their views on an annual patriotic theme. This year’s theme is “How Can I Be a Good American?”

Helix students placing in the Patriot’s Pen Post and District competition include:

Brinley Curtiss, 2nd in Post

Andrew Kubishta, 3rd in Post