Talented and Gifted Students


 The Helix School District is dedicated to the idea that every student has the right to an education that provides opportunities for the maximum development of their potential. We recognize that some students in our schools have capabilities that far exceed those of their age peers.

 The Helix District acknowledges that these students with outstanding abilities, talents, and potential for accomplishment may require differentiated instruction to meet their educational needs. The district encourages, fosters and supports educational efforts for its academically talented and intellectually gifted student population.

Identification Process

tag process

Instructional Options for TAG Students

Currently there are no specified instructional formats specifically designed for TAG students at elementary, middle or high school level. Advanced course offerings are available at the high school level, as are dual credit options. Other instructional options may be available to meet your child’s needs in any grade, depending on your child’s level or classroom include:  ability grouping, choice assignments, curriculum compacting, differential instruction, distance learning, and/or independent study projects.

Defining Giftedness

 Common Characteristics

 During preschool years, giftedness can be demonstrated by early physical development, early language development, and/or exceptional powers of observation and curiosity.

 While it is rare for a gifted child to exhibit all characteristics listed below, it is common for a gifted child to manifest many of the following:


Knows the answers

Is interested

Is attentive

Has good ideas

Works hard

Answers the questions

Top group

Listens with interest

Learns with ease

6-8 repetitions for mastery

Understands ideas

Enjoys peers

Grasps the meaning

Completes assignments

Is receptive

Copies accurately

Enjoys school

Absorbs information


Good memorizer

Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation

Is alert

Is pleased with own learning


Asks the questions

Is highly curious

Is mentally and physically involved

Has wild, silly ideas

Plays around, yet tests well

Discusses in detail, elaborates

Beyond the group

Shows strong feelings and opinions

Already knows

1-2 repetitions for mastery

Constructs abstractions

Prefers adults

Draws interferences

Initiates projects

Is intense

Creates a new design

Enjoys learning

Manipulates information


Good guesser

Thrives on complexity

Is keenly observant

Is highly self-critical