Helix Parents/Guardians - Please join us this evening at 7 p.m. for the Helix K-12 Winter Concert, "Grizzards in Winter." Students should arrive at 6:30 p.m. If you are not able to attend, the event will be lived streamed though the NFHS network at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/griswold-high-school-helix-or/evt9d43f94fb4
5 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Staff - The Helix Hwy is slick this morning! Please slow down and drive cautiously. School is running on time.
5 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Good morning - The Helix Hwy is slick this morning! Please slow down and drive cautiously! Helix Schools are running on time.
5 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Yesterday we celebrated our 3rd-5th grade Self-Managers with a special lunch! These students have worked hard at being responsible and we are so proud of them! We hope to see everyone become a self-manager this year! Students can apply by asking their teacher for an application. Go Grizzlies!
5 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
students at self-managers lunch
Good morning - The Helix School District will be on a 2-hour delay this morning, Friday, 12/1/2023 due to slick road conditions! All Classes will start at 10:30 a.m. with no zero period and no morning breakfast. All bus schedules will be on a 2-hour delay. Please travel safely this morning, give yourself extra time, and go slow. Thank you!
5 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Good morning Helix Parents/Guardians: The Helix School District will be on a half-day schedule tomorrow, dismissing at 12:25 p.m., and closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving! School will resume on Monday, Nov. 27th. If you are traveling for the holiday, please be safe and enjoy time with family!
6 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Helix Parents/Guardians - Advantage Dental will be here at Helix Schools on 11/29/23. This service is FREE to all students. Please fill out the necessary document that was sent home with your student or at the front office. If you wish for your student NOT to participate in the dental screening, fill out the form marking in the NO column. All Students that return a form will receive a pencil and all classes that have a 90% consent return rate or higher will earn a class party and three students will be randomly selected to receive a gift card for returning a form. Thank you!
6 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Helix Parents/Guardians - Reminder: The Helix School District will be closed tomorrow for Veterans Day! School will resume on Monday, Nov. 13th. Thank you to all that have served!
6 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
US Flag
Helix Elementary Parents/Guardians: Cookie Dough orders will be in on Monday, November 6th! Parents can come pick up their orders after school in the multipurpose room. Thank you!
6 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Helix Parents/Guardians and Staff: The Helix School District has an immediate opening for a part-time day custodian with a shift from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily. If you know of anyone that is interested, please have them contact the district office for more information or submit an application for Job ID: 441 at https://www.applitrack.com/imesd/onlineapp/default.aspx?AppliTrackPostingSearch=location:%22Helix+SD%22. Thank you!
6 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Good morning and happy Thursday: Teachers will be completing parent-teacher conferences tomorrow morning, so Helix Schools will be closed on Friday, November 3rd. School will resume on Monday, November 6th. If you missed a conference, please reschedule with your child(ren)'s teacher for a time next week. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend!
6 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Good morning, Helix Parents/Guardians and Staff - This a test message of the Helix Charter School communication for inclement weather. In the actual event of a school delay or closure due to weather, you would be receiving a message similar to this with specific information for the day. This is only a test! Helix Schools are in session today. Have a happy and safe Halloween!
6 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Helix Parents/Guardians: A few reminders... tomorrow marks the end of our 1st Grading Quarter. Helix Schools will dismiss tomorrow, 10/27 at 12:25 p.m. and no activity bus will run after the regular p.m. routes. Parent-Teacher conferences will be next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please contact your child's teacher tomorrow or next Monday, if you don't have a schedule yet for conferences. Thank you! Brad Bixler, Superintendent
7 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Helix Parents/Guardians: After reviewing the recent Mid-Columbia Bus Company survey, the district will add an additional bus on the Wolf route to Pendleton starting next Monday, 10/23. The new bus, Pup #1604, will be for grades 6-12. Wolf will continue to leave the Red Lion area at 7:20 a.m. and Pup will leave at 7:30 a.m. Older students with younger siblings may ride Wolf at 7:20 a.m. Younger students that miss Wolf at 7:20 a.m., may ride Pup at 7:30 in an emergency. Please contact the school if you have any questions at 541-457-2175. Thank you!
7 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Helix School District is hiring! The district has an opening for a 2-hr/day paraprofessional position to provide support for our kitchen staff from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. daily. Please click on the following link to apply -https://www.applitrack.com/imesd/onlineapp/default.aspx?AppliTrackPostingSearch=location:%22Helix+SD%22&AppliTrackJobId=440&AppliTrackLayoutMode=detail&AppliTrackViewPosting=1
7 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Helix Parents/Guardians, Mid-Columbia Bus Company is seeking feedback of parents to improve our service that is provided to your children. Your feedback is critical to us and will help our long-term efforts to improve our service. Please click the link below to provide feedback. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccSwQWPf4P48nZLZwp9LAeaPIkti1DjXDZB5HsCq9mv_Nmbg/viewform
7 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Helix Parents/Guardians - Tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 13th will be a no school day! Helix Schools will be closed for teacher in-service. Classes will resume on Monday, 10/16. Please have a safe and enjoyable weekend!
7 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
The Helix Community Dinner and Open House is this evening, Thursday, October 12th. Please join us today 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM!! https://5il.co/26w4h
7 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
Yesterday, Helix Charter School students got a special treat. The fire fighters and paramedics of the East Umatilla Fire & Rescue put on a special Fire Safety demonstration for our K-12 students. Younger students learned about fire facts and how to be safe and our older students learned about fire suppression. A big thank you to Annette Kubishta for organizing the event and supporting our students!
7 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal
students listening to a fire fighter
Good morning Helix Parents/Guardians - Helix Schools will be on a 1/2 day schedule today and Thursday with a dismissal at 12:25 p.m. Friday will be a no school day for students. Classes will resume on Monday, 9/18. Bus pickup times will be 3 hours earlier today and tomorrow. Please have a safe and enjoyable Pendleton Round-Up!
8 months ago, Brad Bixler - Superintendent/Principal